Showing posts with label HOW COMPUTERS WORKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOW COMPUTERS WORKS. Show all posts

Sunday 2 August 2015


InputInformation and programs are entered into the computer through Input devices such as thekeyboarddisks, or through other computers via network connections or modems connected to the Internet. The input device also retrieves information off disks.
Output: Output Devices displays information on the screen (monitor) or the printer and sends information to other computers. They also display messages about what errors may have occurred and brings up message or dialog box asking for more information to be input. The output device also saves information on the disk for future use.
Processing: The CPU or central processing unit is sometimes called the Control Unit and directs the operation of the input and output devices. The Coprocessor or the Arithmetic-Logic Unit does arithmetic and comparisons. The memory or RAM temporarily stores information (files and programs) while you are using or working on them. The BIOS or basic input/output system controls the dialogue between the various devices.